definition of insanity: making the same mistake again and expecting
different results. Sounds like a simple thing to avoid, but you would be
surprised how many people will repeatedly make the wrong choices.
people understand when to turn back and try a different path. There’s a
reason they got to be successful in the first place. Take it from me,
Darryl Hicks; as the CEO of two Tungsten companies, you might say I’m
moderately successful. More importantly, I have a network filled with
some pretty great minds. From them, I’ve learned a lot about mistakes
and how we learn from them.
If you want to become successful yourself, you might want to start by never doing these ten things again:
- Return to something that didn’t work the first time
mistakes are more obvious than others. Have you ever returned to a job
or a relationship you previously left for good reason, only to realize
your mistake later?
- Change who they are for someone else
are who we are for a reason. In other words, trust your gut. If
something doesn’t feel right, or if you feel like there’s a better way,
follow your instinct.
- Change someone else for them
you can accept who you are, you can accept how everyone else is. They
might have a different opinion, and that’s okay. Accepting their freedom
of choice is the first step to unlock your own freedom.
- Choose short-term comfort over long-term benefit
you heard about what happens to lottery winners? They tend to end up in
poverty. Maybe that’s because 96% of winners take it by a lump sum;
even though it’s millions less than having your winnings given to you
annually, people still choose it because they can’t wait for the money.
Then they make bad decisions with it. Successful people have the
willpower to wait for rewards.
- Believe they can make everyone happy
No one can. Instead of breaking your back to please everyone, focus on pleasing the
right people.
- Go in without a backup plan
things appear too good to be true, odds are, they are. It’s okay to
try, but be prepared for failure, and when it does happen, have a backup
plan ready.
- Focus on the little things instead of the big picture
people have both short and long-term goals. They manage to keep both in
mind with any decision they make. It’s like walking through the woods;
if you can’t see where you’re going, it’s easy to get turned around by
accident. Keep your eye on the prize.
- Give minimal effort
laziest work you do will never be your best work. It takes real effort
and skill to accomplish the big tasks that successful people strive for.
- Fail to ask “Why?”
three letters can teach a lot. Ask it not only of the world, but also
of yourself. Why are you here? Why are you trying for this? The most
unbeatable people are the people with a cause worth fighting for.
- Focus too much on outer success
Remember that, in order for you to
be successful, you have to
successful. If you are happy and at peace with yourself, you have the
potential to go anywhere. Take it from Tungsten’s CEO; fix yourself
before you fix the world.
For more inspiring articles like these, visit our other social media
pages, or check us out at
Darryl Hicks Tungsten.
source: https://darrylhickstungstenblog.wordpress.com/
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