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8 Things You Can Do to Boost Happiness: A Darryl Hicks List

When it all boils down to it, you don’t have to be successful to be happy. In fact, happiness shouldn’t be tied to success at all. You should be capable of finding happiness based off your own life and experience, and how far you’ve come to get there.
Being so busy with the two Tungsten companies, I, Darryl Hicks, live a very fast-paced life. For a while, it was difficult for me to slow things down enough to find any real happiness; I got too caught up in the adrenaline of success and business. But over the years, I’ve learned a trick or two.
Let me share with you my secrets for happiness:
  • Get plenty of rest every night.
We’ve all had nights where we didn’t sleep well. For me, I was always staying up late, finishing some critical task. Don’t make that mistake; your health and happiness is always more important. Everything else can wait until the morning, when you’re refreshed.
  1. Meditate.
I recently added meditation to my morning routine, and it’s done wonders. You don’t have to do it for long; try 20 minutes a day. Concentrating all of your focus on letting your mind wander can help you come up with new ideas and perspectives to be excited about.
  1. Savor the everyday.
Think about the things you do every day. Maybe you eat the same cereal, or the same lunch, or drive the same route to work. We do it so often, we stop enjoying them. Look at it with a fresh perspective, like you’re doing it the first time. Look at the scenery, taste that old food like it’s new.
  1. Be Spontaneous
At the same time, don’t be afraid to do things a little differently. The world is a big place, and there are lots of new sensations to explore.
  1. Exercise
When you move, the brain releases endorphin’s which literally make you happier. Try a new sport, or learn to dance. Going to the gym every day will help, but doing something more fun will help even more.
  1. Get a pet
There’s a real thing out there called pet therapy. Owning the right pet gives you an extra loving companion, right there when you need it. Petting a cat or dog is scientifically proven to lower blood pressure and improve mood.
  1. Engage with people.
Talk to a stranger every day, and learn their perspective. They might even teach you something new. Don’t forget about human contact either; so long as it’s warranted, something like a hug, a pat on the back, or even a friendly smile can do the same things that petting an animal can.
  1. Use lists.
And, because we can’t avoid working, we want to make sure we get the most reward out of it that we can, right? That’s why I use lists. There’s something highly satisfying about checking a challenging task off the to-do list. It gives me a sense of accomplishment, and it can do the same for you.
For more helpful words of advice, visit my other social media platforms, or check out my website at Darryl Hicks Tungsten.

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