Ten years ago Ken Robinson stepped onto the stage at the TED
Conference in Monterrey, California, and delivered the inspired talk How School Kills Creativity.
It remains the #1 most watched and most shared TED Talk in the history
of TED, with 39,058,000 views (as of May 17, 2016) and counting.
Six years later, Seth Godin published the manifesto Stop Stealing Dreams that took on the daunting question: What is school for? He challenged fellow parents all over the world to share it with the teachers of their children. Millions have done so.
It’s amazing how many parents [I talk to] complain about the school
system our kids are in. And yet, real progress continues to exist only
on the periphery. Why? If so many parents believe that school in its
current form is broken, why won’t the school system change?
As a Dad of three beautiful kids—as well as a passionate entrepreneur
who embraces the need to adapt quickly to changing realities lest my
company risk an ignoble death on the unforgiving altar of competitive
free markets—I got curious and started digging.
Is the root problem that school systems and bureaucracy are simply so
large and cumbersome that attempting meaningful redirection is like
trying to quickly turn the Titanic? Or is something else, something
deeper going on?
Can We Really Throw Away the Ball?
I met Max Ventilla
for the first time on a private Google Hangout two years ago. Why does
an EVP at Google—a company that rolls out the red carpet and gives you
the keys to the kingdom in a place like the Bay Area—leave it all behind
to build a startup on education? I was so inspired and blown away with what Max is doing at Alt School that I’ve shared the video of our conversation with over a hundred people directly.
Attempting to iterate on the education system’s current status quo is
like pretending you’re changing a ball of elastics by winding a few new
ones around it. Alt School throws away the ball and challenges
everything we believe about school, from the ground up.
Since I couldn’t shut up about the work they’re doing—and trusting my
entrepreneurial instincts to “go where attention flows”—I started
looking for ways to jump on board. Why should looking after two growing
businesses, thirteen JV partners, three young kids, one amazing wife,
charitable commitments, and a few health concerns prevent me from
jumping in, right?
After learning about about their Founding Families program, I asked
for more details. After spending some time with their Head of Special
Projects and COO, I started looking into what it would take to set up an
Alt School in Montreal.
Along the way I discovered a dirty little secret that [in my opinion]
explains in large measure why school remains broken. I’d like to let
you in on it.
The Education System’s Dirty Little Secret
In every state and province in North America, governments fund
private (charter) and public schools with a per-student subsidy. Here in
Quebec (Canada), the government subsidy per student is the largest of
any province or state on the continent: private schools receive grants
that allow them to discount tuition by 70% per year. This explains in
large part why private schools are so popular [and affordable] in
Quebec. Did you know that 30% of all high school students in Montreal
attend a private school?
On the surface it sounds like a great moral victory, increasing
access to high quality education for students. However, dig just a
little deeper, and you’ll discover a bit of a hidden agenda and some
massive strings to that money.
For starters, curriculum is fixed. Testing is standardized. Adherence
to [downright shameful] French language admission standards is
enforced. In short, total control is exercised over the fundamentals of
curriculum, syllabus, and pedagogy.
Now to be fair, there is more to school than the curriculum.
A school administrator with decades of first-hand experience once
told me there are three important elements to a school education:
#1) Pedagogical approach, including curriculum,
#2) Culture, including what is celebrated and encouraged outside of the curriculum,
#3) Everything else a student needs to be well-rounded and prepared for life in the real world.
Schools have little to no control over #1 if they want the government
funding. In Quebec there are so many tightly-controlled rules that one
school administrator joked with me that ‘she wouldn’t be surprised to
see font type and font size enforced for report cards in 2016.’ The
heavy hand of regulation on curriculum and pedagogy is that pervasive.
So what is a school to do?
It’s forced to differentiate on #2 and #3.
This explains why the over 100 private schools in Montreal
talk with great pride about their sports training, their indoor hockey
rink, their amazing music program, their leadership program, and their
amazing teachers who are paid well in excess of the industry average.
When my wife and I were exploring these schools to choose the right one
for our three young kids, none of them said “this is how we teach and
test differently from everyone else.” Knowing that millions of parents
seem to think school is broken, this glaring omission caught me off
Of course, now I know the backstory, and so do you.
The True Cost of Innovation
If a school wanted to create a completely new syllabus and a new way
of teaching—one that celebrates innovation, creativity, taking chances,
failing, and research skills over rote and memorization—they must refuse
government funding.
The average cost of tuition for a private school in Montreal
currently stands at $10,000 per student, per year. If a [new] school
believed that it was so important to change pedagogy that it would be
willing to turn down the hefty gov’t subsidies, the cost of tuition
would instantly go through the roof. Granted, there is waste in
maintaining the bureaucratic overhead that complying with gov’t
standards demands, so if you assume a school could survive with only a
fraction of the administrative staff, maybe the tuition would come down
to [only] $25-30K per year.
Still, how is that competing?
You’d need to find a base of well-heeled parents who are so
passionate about the need for a complete re-think on school—and who
believe that you can deliver on this brave new world—that they’d gladly
cough up tens of thousands of extra dollars for education every single
year. And then you’d need to find enough of them to fill up a school
with enough children to attain the needed economies of scale.
At present, this alternative too expensive, by design.
To be clear, I believe that most people who work in the public school
system anywhere in North America mean well. But they’re trapped in a
slow-moving bureaucracy with little accountability and a fuzzy mandate.
At the same time, looking to private schools to lead the charge on
finding a better way is also looking in the wrong place; even if private
schools wanted to change, their hands are tied.
This is why innovation in the education space will come from where
it’s always come: the brilliant founders, inventors and innovators who
are so passionate about their mission in life that they take enormous
risks and make the leap to do great work.
Like Elon Musk at Tesla. Do you think people buy his electric cars
because there’s a gov’t subsidy attached, or because Tesla makes cool
cars with an amazing story behind them?
Education is supposed to equip kids with the mental, emotional and
physical toolbox needed to thrive in adulthood. I have 120 employees
between my two businesses, and every day my management team has to
de-program beliefs and habits these people learned in school and then
re-teach how to approach problems in a way that’s relevant to how the
world actually works.
Many never make the cut, and that’s sad. It’s not always their fault,
either, but I don’t have the luxury of determining what the market
demands. I just know what I need in order to respond to those demands
and I’m having a harder and harder time finding it.
I’m convinced that with time, institutions like Alt School will
slowly work their way through the diffusion of innovations and into the
mass market. I’m [deeply] frustrated at how long that’s going to take,
however, and how negative incentives continue to artificially delay the
If the playing field were more level you’d see more alternative
schools. We’d be trying, failing, iterating and working our way to a
better formula quickly. Being stuck in the current paradigm is a wasted
Of course, this puts even more pressure on parents to close the gap
and train their kids to be responsible, fair, upright, productive
members of society. Attentive parenting can and does make a huge
difference. Many of the entrepreneurs I know talk about how sending
their kids to school is something they have to do, but as parents, they assume responsibility to give their kids their “real education” from 3:30-7:30 PM every day.
Guys like Jim Sheils inspire me with their supplemental home schooling programs and family board meetings.
Dozens of entrepreneurs in my network take on this kind of load, and
move mountains so they can be home when their kids return from school.
I’m so inspired by them!
But how many parents can or will do that?
The need for excellent parenting skills aside, if most of us are
sending our kids to school anyway, why can’t they learn what they need
while they’re sitting in class? At the very least it’s a waste of their
time and energy. And our money. Don’t forget the money. At worst, it’s
instilling beliefs and habits in our children that are designed for a
world that no longer exists.
It makes me sad to know that the next generation [or two] will be
ill-equipped to find their way in life, save the handful who’ve always
existed in every time period who are fortunate or passionate enough to
figure it out on their own.
At least a fortunate handful of folks in New York and California have Alt School. It’s a start.
source: https://darrylhickstungstenblog.wordpress.com/
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